For A Better Life of Cancer Patients in Libya
مركز طرابلس لتشخيص وعلاج الأورام
Tripoli Cancer Center

Tripoli cancer center
In May 2017, the declaration [Resolution 415-2017] was made to establish a cancer center in Tripoli. The founders set forth an ambitious plan to select a location for the center that would better serve cancer patients. In May 2019, follow-up clinics were launched at Al-Badri Polyclinic specifically for breast cancer patients. Consequently in December 2019, a second clinic was launched in Janzour to cater to patients with breast, prostate, and colon-rectum cancers. After 10 months, in October 2020, chemotherapy services for breast cancer patients commenced at Al-Badri Clinics. Afterwards, psychological support, dietitian services, and breast physiotherapy were introduced in the service list. By October 2023, the Janzour clinic will be ready to operated many clinics such as Medical Oncology, Surgical Oncology, Gynecological Oncology, Radiation Oncology, Post BMT clinics, Dietitian, Psychologist, Physiotherapy, Ultrasound and Echo, and Plain X-Ray. Furthermore, the chemotherapy section is expected to be ready by November 2023, with a capacity of 1 bed and 4 chairs. Eventually it will fully operational by January 2024. The main building of the cancer center will be constructed on a 65,000 square meter site in close proximity to the Medical School and the main University Hospital in Tripoli. In July 2023, the site was handed over to the contractor [ODAC]. However, we are currently facing the challenge of providing a temporary in-patient facility to serve our patients until phase one of the new center project is completed.

Breast Clinic - Al-Badri
Established in Al-Badri Polyclinic as a consultation rooms for breast cancer patients in May 2019. On 1st October 2020, an infusion room is prepared within the 4-room facility allocated to us in the polyclinic with a capacity of two chairs and started delivering chemotherapy and immunotherapy service for breast cancer patients. The available services at Al-Badri Breast Clinic currently are Registration, Consultations, Follow up, Breast Ultrasound, Infusion services, Dietitian, Psychologist and Breast physiotherapist.

Day Clinic - Janzour
Now Janzour clinics are ready to work for a wider capacity including delivery of daycare chemotherapy services that is expected to start November 2023. Consultations services will be available for Breast, Colorectal, Prostate, Gyneacological Cancers as well as for follow up of patients post bone marrow transplant. A 4 chair + 1 bed chemotherapy suit is ready for operation next November with potential of expansion to 10 beds soon
Working in a team
Since 24/6/2020 we conduct a fortnightly MDT meeting to discuss cases diagnosed with breast cancer and referred to our center.
Since 13/10/2021 we have an agreement with Prof. Nadia Harbeck to join our MDT on a monthly basis for case discussions and presentation of updates on breast cancer presented in prestigious meetings like ASCO, ESMO, ESMO Breast, San Antonio Breast conference.
The Dream is becoming a reality
In December 2022, a resolution number 1042/2022 was signed by His excellency the Prime-minister authorizing ODAC to start the process of design, construction and equipping the new center in Al-Furnaj – Tripoli.
It will be in two phases, the first phase is planed to be ready in 18 months and will include the administration, meeting and lecture rooms, day care services, diagnostic services, two operation rooms, an intensive care unit and in-patient rooms with a capacity of 100 beds as well as stores and auxiliary services.
The facility will be used for adults and children till the end of phase two when the adult oncology service will be moved to building two and the first building will operate as a Pediatric Oncology Block.